Morning Sitting Group

Where: Zoom
When: weekday mornings, 07:30 - 07:50 (GMT)

A quiet, open, and welcoming space for people to sit, meditate, and practice together. We meet every weekday morning on Zoom from 07:30 - 07:50am (but make sure to check down at the bottom of the page in case an upcoming session has been cancelled). It’s completely free to attend, offered on the basis of dana/generosity, so donations are always gratefully accepted.

Sessions are conducted in full silence, so we don't talk when entering or exiting the room. This is just to help maintain the atmosphere and spirit of silence. There's no guidance or teaching, just twenty minutes of silent sitting.

You are welcome to use the sessions to meditate, reflect, pray, or just enjoy spending some time in silence.

There's no obligation to attend regularly or to give notice when you want to participate, so you can join us every day, once a week, once a month, or once a year. Whatever suits your schedule and lifestyle.

The room will usually be open around five minutes before the session starts (07.25) to give people a chance to arrive and settle. The bell will then ring at 07.30 to signal the start of the session, and again at 07.50 to signal the end (make sure your volume is turned up so you can hear it!), and that's it. Other than offering a silent bow, wave, or smile as we meet and depart, all you have to do is sign in, sit, and enjoy the silence.

If you’d like to attend, you can enter the Zoom meeting by clicking the button below.

Thank you so much.